Lizzy welcomes you to the garden

Lizzy welcomes you to the garden
The blog for the UCSB Garden

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Gary Ladybug photos

This is currently going on, ladybugs eating aphids eating kale

Gary's bird photos

Gary has been in the garden since 1988 ish, and recently retired, so he's moving on. These are a few of his bird pics from the garden.

this last one shows evidence of crazy global warming -- sea level was higher and climate was much cooler back in '88 :)

a few from today

 poppy, calendula
 icelandic poppy seed heads

 Cooper's hawk

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Manager Shed Door

The manager shed has had a busted door for a while, it was held on by maybe 1 hinge, and it finally broke about a week ago. Today Ron showed up with a full bag of tools and we were able to reinforce the hinge area with a 2x6 and install 3 new hinges. Easy to get out the weed whackers and sell chicken wire again.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Pineapple guava

Our pineapple guava are starting to flower now, the flower petals are edible and taste like cotton candy! Give them a try.