Lizzy welcomes you to the garden

Lizzy welcomes you to the garden
The blog for the UCSB Garden

Monday, May 23, 2011

Brassica Shoots

It's getting a bit late in the spring for cool season veggies, but they are still doing ok. One thing I've really been enjoying are the shoots - the flower stalks - of the Ho-Mi Z mustard. They are sweet and crisp/tender, sometimes with a hot aftertaste - they are a mustard after all. The purple peacock broccoli is about done, and truth be told it did better in pots at home than it did in the garden, but the little side shoots that came in after the main head was harvested have been tasty. Note that I don't have a relationship with the farm I'm linking to, I just like their stuff, their philosophy, and the fact that they are from my hometown. Let me know if you'd like some seeds in the fall, I have some extra.
Ho-Mi Z

Purple Peacock Broc

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